Match Gabriella Serving Fork & Spoon Set
Match Gabriella Serving Fork & Spoon Set
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Match Gabriella Serving Fork & Spoon Set. The Gabriella flatware pattern is a classic, simple design featuring subtle architectural details including a thumbnail edge and a banded collar. The simplicity allows this handsome pewter & stainless steel serving set to complement a wide range of dinnerware styles. 10.3" l. We recommend cleaning using a liquid dishwasher soap, on the lowest heat setting, for both the washing and drying cycles. Please allow your dinnerware to cool before handling.Please note: If you have hard water (water with a high mineral content) we do not recommend using a dishwasher, as elements in the water may cause tarnishing or pitting of your pewter. Please do not wash MATCH pewter in the extreme temperatures of a commercial dishwasher.
User 1 - 2 weeks ago
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